95. Want To Build An Even Better Salon? Work On Your Emotional Intelligence

We oftentimes open a salon because we're passionate about the industry or looking to create something new & better than where we've worked.

We have built a successful clientele and think, "I could totally own a salon!"

Until we're deep into salon ownership, we don't realize how much goes into owning a salon. Little things quickly add up. But the biggest surprise of them all? Leadership.

We have to now lead a team! And with leadership comes a lot of responsibility, energy and effort.

One of the biggest ways I improved my leadership skills was by working on my emotional intelligence. In this episode, I dive into emotional intelligence and how you can work on these skills to build a better, stronger business.

Are you a salon owner that's searching for more freedom? In my new program The Elevated Salon Owner Collective, I share all my tools and systems and coach you to implement these things in your business. To learn more, visit www.opulentbeautypro.com/elevate

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