92. "I Got Sued For $100K Over A Non-Compete Agreement, Now I Share My Story To Help Other Stylists" (with Dana Wexler)

Many times we blindly sign contracts and agreements without carefully reading all the details. Non-compete agreements are definitely one of those types of documents in our industry.

It used to be industry standard. You start working at a new salon and you sign a non-compete. "They don't hold up in court" and "No one will actually come after you" are just a few of the common phrases we've heard thrown around. Sure, the chances may be slim, but this is an agreement you signed and can be legally held to.

Today's guest Dana Wexler shares her story about how she got sued for $100,000 in light of a non-compete agreement. Now Dana is dedicated to educating new stylists on their rights and encourages everyone to take 24-48 hours to look over contracts with a lawyer.

We never think something will happen to us until it actually does. This is a great episode packed with incredible insight about being mindful about your future & creating a work environment you truly love.

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